Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today is Justin’s welcome home party that we were invited to months ago. I am looking forward to it, because most of my readers know that I am a HUGE supporter of the military here, he is back from another tour in Iraq, so truly something to celebrate!

I only wish that I felt better than I do, but I made a promise and I will keep that promise. I am going to be there. Hopefully not for a long time because I am still not feeling well. I have developed a nice hacking cough now. Ugh. I am using the asthma inhalers and they are helping but I do not want to be sick!

Ed ( my adopted soldier) and I have talked on Facebook finally! I was starting to worry about him. He is fine and well, which is good. I was speaking to his wife the other morning, she sent me a message thanking me for adopting him and telling me how much it means to him.

Trust me, it means more to me! I am glad that I could do this for him. He is a sweet guy. I am still working on a care package for him though. I do need to write another letter for him though and soon. I will put that on my to do list for next week.

School is okay. Being sick sucks with that too. Well, I need to actually go and finish a discussion question for a class. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. here is the link to my other journal :)


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