Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

Hi everyone! Welcome to this weeks edition of Wednesday’s Wishes. As usual, you can play along in the comments or in an entry of your own. If you do your won entry please leave a link so that I can visit… On to the wishes!

  1. I am wishing that I am not taking this statistics class. It is really irrelevant though because I have to take it to get my degree. *sigh*
  2. I wish that I had not failed the child psych class. This is kind of wishful thinking on my part. At the end of this class, I had hit a wall and did not have a strong finish.
  3. I am wishing for another week off, but that will not happen because the aforementioned classes start today…
  4. I am wishing for enough math wisdom to get me through statistics.
  5. I wish that my friends and family have a great week!

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